So, what do the lyrics mean of Iron Butterfly? When my music has a story or meaning, I want it to be hard to decipher on your first listen through, but after your second, third or fourth time through, I hope the story or meaning becomes clear. That said, I purposely design ambiguity into my music to always leave a little mystery and to create something for our imagination (yours and mine).
Consider this section a cheat sheet; a spoiler section. I’d prefer you not read this until you’ve given yourself a chance to figure it out. I’m going to present the meaning and story, not how I’ve thought it up, but from the way the lyrics and clues would lead us, the listener, to understand.
The male starts talking about a female he’s involved with. At “I will not let her go”, we understand they had some kinda’ breakup. From it, we can surmise that he was the one who broke up with her.
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